Produced by Tulku Lhaksam Namdak. Golok singer, Sherten, sings Dharma songs against a compiled background of images and video footage of Dodrupchen, Namtrul, Tare Lhamo. and Nyenlung Monastery.
Namtrul Rinpoche and Khandro Tare Lhamo with Yangsi Dudjom Rinpoche. Video improves slightly halfway through. Worth the wait!
Lama Yeshe Wangmo interviews Professor Holly Gayley of the University of Colorado at Boulder about her research into the life of Khandro Tare Lhamo (1938-200...
Tulku Orgyen Zangpo Rinpoche speaks about the life of Khandro Tare Lhamo, a female master and treasure revealer (1938-2002) who is one of his root teachers. ...